Let’s begin by saying that virtual tours for real estate agents are extremely useful digital tools for property sales. They allow prospects to view every corner of a place without having to actually go see it in person. Moreover, 3D tours can show what a house or an apartment will look like even before it’s built and furnished. Plus, one can view those 24/7, which is incredibly convenient, since there’s no need to schedule a showing. Ultimately, virtual tours save potential buyers a great deal of time, as well as help to eliminate doubt and stress in the process of choosing a new home. And for agents, that means higher real estate sales rates and quickly sealed deals.
However, to achieve those impressive results, one must find out how to properly use virtual tours. Namely, it’s crucial to know what platforms support this kind of interactive content. And, of course, knowing what features 3D tours can have is a must. This way, it’ll be clear what aspects of real estate promotion they can help with.
As an architectural visualization studio, we want our clients to be fully informed about the amazing opportunities that interactive CGI offers. So, let’s learn about the 3 types of usage for virtual tours and see how one can get the most out of them!
#1. Website
The number one place for using virtual tours for real estate agents is a website. Interactive 3D panoramas like the ones we create at ArchiCGI using Pano2VR software can be easily embedded into any webpage. In the context of real estate, that’s usually property listing pages. To provide potential buyers with a full understanding of the features of listed houses and apartments, agents can have hotspots, navigation, and information buttons added to their virtual tours. Using those features, prospects can view different rooms from various angles, zoom in and out on particular areas and objects, and learn more about furnishings used in the design.
Furthermore, it’s possible to add a button for switching to a VR headset. This way, the clients of real estate agents can have a fully immersive experience viewing the property as if they were actually inside it.
#2. Apps
As the use of virtual tours for real estate agents grows in popularity, app developers aren’t staying idle. Now, there are numerous applications that allow viewing interactive 3D panoramas on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. For instance, there are Vieweet 360 and P360 — apps where one can upload 360-degree panoramic images and link them together, creating a fully-fledged tour. Both of them are available for iOS and Android.
Take your design presentation to a new level with interior rendering
Such applications are perfect for viewing offers at home or at a realtor’s office. They provide all the necessary information to the clients and allow them to quickly see all details of multiple properties. As a result, the prospects can select just a few places to visit, or even find their dream home before going anywhere. This way, real estate agents can shorten the search time and provide a better customer experience.
#3. Facebook
When it comes to real estate social media content ideas, realtors rarely think about adding interactive visuals right to their profile pages. That’s because most of the SM platforms do not support such type of content, but still, there are some opportunities to explore. For instance, the greatest of all social media giants — Facebook — has a panoramic 3D image-viewing feature.
To use it, one can upload a panoramic picture or render of a property that will move together with the viewer’s smartphone, allowing one to “look around” a place. As for virtual tours with multiple 360 views and information buttons, they are not supported by Facebook. But even so, one detailed panoramic view is quite enough to set real estate agents apart from their competitors.
So, those were the 3 ways virtual tours for real estate agents can be used to close deals faster and improve property sales rates.

Since any deal requires, first of all, giving full information about a place and showing all of its benefits, interactive visuals are key to gaining their interest and trust. And now that you know all the possibilities you’ll have with 3D tours, you can be sure that using them will be highly beneficial for your business.
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Looking for professional 3D virtual tours to take your real estate listings to the next level? Contact us at ArchiCGI and get photorealistic interactive 3D tours and panoramas for different platforms!

Ana Wayne
Content Writer, Copywriter
Ana is a content writer for ArchiCGI. She has a passion for design and architecture - and for talking about it. Outside of work, she is a fan of sci-fi movies and a street food connoisseur.