Myths about 3D Rendering Services
Myths about 3D Rendering Services

Now, if CGI is so helpful, why hasn’t it become a standard in the architectural industry? Well, because many specialists who have worked in a certain way for years and decades are skeptical about adopting new technology. Unfortunately, skepticism turns into myths about CGI over time. And those who believe those myths miss out on all the great opportunities described above.
So, what is the most common myth regarding the use of 3D architectural rendering services? Well, some architects fear that it may lead to a lack of customer involvement in the design process. Which, ultimately, leads to an unhappy customer. Fortunately, it’s absolutely not true. To prove that, let’s debunk this particular myth right now.
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So, does the use of 3D renders really hinder customer involvement in the design process? Coming to think of that, it does exactly the opposite. With 3D architectural renderings, a client can instantly tell whether they like the proposed design or not. They understand their architect’s vision better and feel confident to participate in the process and suggest the changes they want. Here, the use of 3D architectural visualization materials allows both parties to reach complete mutual understanding.